Summer Six-Pack Abs

Summer is right around the corner and that means being outside more, hot weather and more beach days. With more beach days, it’s time to show off that lean, muscular physique. Haven’t made any progress this winter? That’s okay because you might not be incorporating the right moves into your routine to develop those washboard abs. Flex Fitness Equipment has just the right equipment for you ranging from cardio machines to free weights to accessories such as jump ropes, medicine balls and much more. Best of all, it’s affordable and the best quality. Here are six moves that will shed your core by hitting from all angles:

Stationary Bike Intervals – To see those defined ab muscles, you need to reduce your body fat. Everyone has abs but many have excess fat covering them. Try interval training on the bike. Perform a five-minute routine that consists of 30 seconds of high-intensity work followed by 30 seconds of a moderate pace. This is an efficient and effective fat blaster that will unleash your six-pack.

Jump Rope – Want another fat blaster? Try the same five-minute interval routine as the stationary bike but with the jump rope. This will keep you burning fat for up to 24 hours after working out.

Russian Twist w/Medicine Ball – Grab a medicine ball and hit the floor. Sit on your bottom and create a V-shape with your upper body and thighs by lifting your legs off the floor. Holding this position with a medicine ball in your hand, twist your torso side-to-side.

Side Plank – Want to hit the obliques more? Try a side plank on each side. Start down on the mat, by lying on your side. Place your forearm on the mat with your elbow under your shoulder. Lift your hip off the mat creating a straight line from your shoulders down to your ankles.

Sit-up w/Medicine Ball – The traditional sit-up is one of the best workouts for carving your core. Now add a medicine ball to the mix. Start by lying down on your backside on the mat. Bend your knees to create a 90-degree angle and hold the medicine ball close to your chest. Perform a sit-up by contracting your abs and raising your torso into a sitting position.

Criss-Cross - This exercise requires you to have straightened legs the entire time. Start by lying on your back with your arms beside you on your mat. Lift both legs off the ground about six inches. Contract your abs and lift one leg above the other and continue alternating that crossing-over motion.

Developing a chiseled midsection requires discipline and commitment. It also helps to be using the best equipment in the game today. Stop in to Flex Fitness Equipment or order online to start working on your six-pack before the summer season rolls around.

Category: Fitness

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