Planning tips - setting up a commercial gym – have you thought it through?

Opening your own gym can seem exciting and profitable. The dream of having your own space to
improve your fitness and the health and fitness of others. With the fitness industry booming do you
find yourself asking “should I start my own commercial gym?”. The idea of your own gym is exciting
and seems like a walk in the park. However you need to ask yourself – “Have I thought this

Below are the top 6 things you need to think about before you embark on this journey to owning
your own commercial gym:

1. What type of facility should you open?
The type of facility needs to focus on your strengths and your style of fitness. There is no point
opening a boxing gym if you are a weight lifter. Your genuine passion for the industry will allow you
to choose a facility style that you can see your enthusiasm.

2. Should I open an independent facility or a franchise?
Once again this comes down to the type of facility you are looking to create. Do you want a facility
that has automatic changes and evolutions based on a corporate body or do you want to control
your programs? Do you want to change the face of your business yourself or rely on a corporate
body to dictate how the business looks and is marketed? You will also need to consider the costs.

3. How am I going to fund this?
When deciding this very important detail the number one thing to consider is to keep it within your
means. Seek professional business planning advice and discuss with a professional how much return
you will actually get for your investment. Make sure you accumulate wealth before opening the

4. Do I have enough clientele to start?
Before opening a new gym you need to ask yourself, do I have the clientele to make this happen?
The biggest hurdle will be getting people through the door. Make sure you are able to market
yourself effectively. You will also need to rely on family and friends so make sure you have a support

5. Rules and Regulations
Every state has specific rules and regulations that dictate occupational health and safety standards,
record keeping and privacy information. Your local government can also dictate the hours you
operate and if the premises you choose are suitable. If you aren’t able to find this information is is
recommended you ask a professional.

6. Do I suit this lifestyle?
Opening a gym will be tiring, time consuming but will have endless rewards. You will need to be
prepared to put in the long hours to lead by example, to grow your clientele and to be able to see
how your facility functions. You will need to be a people person with empathy and compassion and
should be doing this for the right motivations.

If you have read this and still want to open your own commercial gym, make sure you do your
research. Research the entire process and seek outside help. Remember your passion for the fitness
industry will shine through.

Category: Commercial Gyms

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